Our Products

Mycorrhizal Products

Mycorrhizal fungi that associate with plants provide a beneficial relationship for both the plant and the fungus. Mycorrhizal fungi have a network of mycelium that grow far and wide into the soil, reaching nutrients and water that the plant cannot reach on its own. They are known to help plants uptake nutrients, nitrogenous compounds and essential elements (phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, etc.) that are out of reach or chemically tied up. This fungi-plant alliance stimulates plant growth and development and increases tolerance to stresses such as heat, cold, wind, drought, soil disease and parasitic nematodes. In return the plant provides carbohydrates and a place to live for the fungi. The Mycorrhizal fungi use the carbohydrates for their growth and to make a molecular substance called glomalin, a sticky glycoprotein that contributes to improved structure of soil. The longer this association continues the better the soil structure becomes with increasing levels of both ‘Active Carbon’ and Humic carbon in the form of Humic substances. However, in soil that has been disturbed by human activity, the quantity of mycorrhizae decreases drastically so that there are not enough of them to produce a significant benefit on plant growth and health, hence the importance to compensate by inoculating them back into the landscape. The two mycorrhizal products provided by Total Soil Solutions are non-pathogenic to plants, humans, livestock or poultry and contain no animal manures or ingredients derived from GMO plants.

Application: Inoculation is best achieved by placing the spores in direct contact with the seed or roots of the potential host plant. Dusting spores onto the seed or bare roots of transplants is effective and can be done dry. Can also be mixed into a hydro-mulch slurry for hydroseeding

Mycorrhizal Concentrate
Designed for agriculture, landscape construction, sports-field construction, mine reclamation or erosion control projects. Mycorrhizal Concentrate is a concentrate of spores representing a generalist Glomus species that is global and which will always work with plants that can associate with a Endo (VAM) type mycorrhiza Guaranteed to contain at minimum 1,450,000 viable spores of Glomus intraradices per pound! Every attempt is made to screen EndoMaxima of all root tissues, dead fungal tissues, soil, and other impurities, all of which can contribute to loss of spore viability. It is not recommended that this product be dispersed via a drip irrigation system, as the spores are large and could plug up the system. Best method of use is to apply directly onto the seed before sowing.

Professional Grade Mycorrhzia
Designed for professionals, this product is easy for contractors to apply during the construction of the landscape. Professional Grade Mycorrhzia is a concentrate blend of Endo (VAM) and Ecto species of Mycorrhizal spores capable of inoculating seed or the roots of the majority of hardwood, softwood, perennial, turf and annual plants used in landscaping.

 Gardening Mycorrhzia
Most of us now appreciate the value of food grown in healthy soil managed with good wholesome materials, producing healthy plants because the soil is healthy. This product is designed for the homeowner who desires the best garden on the block with the healthiest soil. Using the same powerful microbes the pros use, but formulated for maximum results in your yard.

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Protein Additive
Nature’s best source of nutritional calories for feeding the soil is protein. Derived from selected vegetable proteins, Total Soil Solutions has selected our products  for the best ratios of amino acids that can provide the highest protein efficiency value possible. Soil Microorganisms are part of the Soil Food Web and Protein Additives can provide these microorganisms a high quality protein with the highest % Nitrogen per unit of Protein. This product has a crude protein content providing a source of slow release organic Nitrogen. The N can become part of the ‘Soil Food Web’ once totally liberated by the action of the primary, secondary and tertiary decomposers (soil microorganisms), and many plants can uptake the amino acids derived from this protein as part of their nitrogen budget.

100% wholesome ingredients. If made with quality ingredients and tight quality controls, compost can be an excellent source of organic nutrients. Never use a compost product without first examining the analysis of the product to see if it meets your needs. Our Compost Product is a nutrient dense product that’s been triple screened, providing a clean and fine particle size product, that’s also clean enough to be used in hydroseeding equipment. City bio-solids (human waste) are not allowed in this product, which helps us guarantee you that disease contamination is minimized.  This product is nutrient dense and needs to be used sparingly, as a little goes a long way!A full assay of tests showing maturity, stability, Humic acids, organic matter, nitrogen, major and minor nutrients.

Organic Liquid Nutrients
An Organic Compost Broth Concentrate. Unlike a Compost Tea, the objective of this product is to have a high concentration of ‘Organic Source Nutrients’ that can be injected with typical drip irrigation equipment, or sprayed onto foliage using orchard sprayers. A nutrient analysis is provided on the label for this product. The product is not advertised or promoted in any way as a microbial inoculant. Our products are made from  Compost with the only added ingredient being water. All nutrients in this product are indigenous to the compost used. Organic Liquid Nutrients can also be used as a carrier foliar spray for other nutrients such as zinc and iron.

Liquid Humic Acid Solution
Liquid Humic Acid colloidal organic nutrient solution. Organic colloids are decomposed organic substances broken down to their smallest particle size. Organic colloids will coat soil particles, provide a Cation Exchange Capacity and help prevent the nutrients of fertilizers from leaching. Humic Acids and Organic Colloidal substances will also prevent the nutrients from compost and green manures from leaching. Liquids of Humic and Organic Colloidal substances move into the soil faster than a dry material, which is why we provide humus in this form. It is designed to be used as a spot treatment when faster results are needed, but for optimum amounts of Humic Acid the dry humus products can contribute more technical material per dollar spent and therefore are the products of choice for larger areas.

Earth Enzyme
A super drink for the soil! There’s no question about it, microbes rule. They run all the major chemical cycles on earth by making the enzymes that serve as catalysts to many of the important chemical reactions in the soil. Earth Enzyme is a broad spectrum of soil based enzymes made by microbes. This product also contains our Compost, whole kelp, humus, and plant extracts, each dissolved into a rich supplement for the soil. Earth Enzyme can be blended together in equal amounts, diluted with water and sprayed onto the soil as a drench. Do not use more than 1 gallon of either product per 1000 sq. ft. of application.

Mycorrhizal Fungi
Mycorrhizal fungi establish a symbiotic relationship with a plant’s roots to maximize absorption of water and nutrients.